
八丈島 Hachijo island

仕事で八丈島に行ってきました。自然豊かで素敵な人達ばかりで、そして、自立型エネルギーの夢がありました。I have been to Hachijo-jima island on business, where we can enjoy great nature with lovely people and dream of self-reliance in energy ;-)

File:Map of Izu Islands.png
Hachijo island


沖縄 Okinawa

I have just been to Okinawa on business. Hope the next trip is far from business (for more  picture s click here).



環境関係の平成25年度税制改正 Environmental Tax Reform 2013

The tax reform plan for FY 2013 has been set and the environmental tax reform is as almost perfectly the same as we requested. The main points are as follows:

【エネルギー課税】 地球温暖化対策税の着実な実施、揮発油税等の税率維持
 [Energy taxation] : Implementation of Carbon tax as originally planned, Keep the tax rates of the other energy taxes like Gasoline tax

【車体課税】 平成26年改正までに一層のグリーン化の観点から見直し、公害健康被害補償の財源に留意
[Vehicle tax] : Review from viewpoint of the further greening by the next year's reform, take note for the revenue having been utilized in compensation to vehicle-related air pollution

[Others] : Tax preferences for environmental investment, energy-saving housing, bio-fuel, waste management, nature harmonization, and so on.


沙羅と鬼 Sarah with Damon

今日は節分の日、沙羅と初の豆まきをしました。As a traditional festival called "Setsubun" in Japan on February 3, Sarah and I enjoyed (?) the Mamemaki (throwing beans at damon) together at the first time.


また、天気も良かったので、沙羅と一緒にサイクリングにも出かけました。And we cycled together as it was warm and sunny.