
唐戸市場 Karato Fish Market

We have been to Karato Fish Market in Shimonoseki driving through Kanmon Straits from Kitakyushu, where we enjoyed fresh globefish ("Fuku" in Japanese meaning 'fortune') and the other fishes ;-)



城野夏まつり Local Summer Festival in Kitakyushu

地元の夏祭りに行って来ました。盆踊りに花火も上がって良い夏です♪ We have just been to our local summer festival. Japanese summer cannot be discussed without Bon-odori and fireworks, yeah!!!



山田緑地 Yamada Green Park

We have been to Yamada Green Park (ex-powder magazine of the Imperial Japanese Army) in Kokura. It has the wide and flat green space like a British park as well as the brook where children can play, so Sarah looked really excited :-)



ブルーベリー摘みと鍾乳洞 Pick-your-own blueberry & Limestone cave

ブルーベリー摘みに平尾台自然の郷に行って来ました。食べ放題ですが、沙羅は酸味があまり好きじゃないみたい… We have just been to Hiraodai Countryside Park for pick-your-own blueberry. Despite of all-you-can-eat, Sarah is a bit weak at a sour taste :-)

その後、天然記念物の千仏鍾乳洞に涼みに行きましたが、地下水に足が浸かると冷たすぎて凍傷になりかけました♪ Afterwards we visited Senbutsu Cave as a natural monument where ground water was so cold that I was almost frostbitten ;-p